SSA Meeting on 2nd of November
Respected Friends,
I take this opportunity to inform you that the Principal DIET Thakur Surjit Singh has convened a meeting of the Principals of District Hamirpur on 02-11-2010 at 10-00 a.m. in GSSS (Boys) Hamirpur.
I take this opportunity to inform you that the Principal DIET Thakur Surjit Singh has convened a meeting of the Principals of District Hamirpur on 02-11-2010 at 10-00 a.m. in GSSS (Boys) Hamirpur.
B.K. Sharma
Executive Council 2010-2012-Hamirpur
Executive Council 2010-2012-Hamirpur
*Mr. Sooram singh Rana has been transferred to District Kangra
Sr. No. | Post | Name | School | Mobile | Official Phone |
1 | Patrons | Mr. Kamlesh Katna Mr. Sooram Singh Rana* | Bhumpal Batran | 9418011139 9418217395 | 237021 237041 |
2 | Chief advisors | Mr. Rajender Chopra Mr. Ravinder Chopra | Chauri Amroh | 9418060529 9418051886 | 202517 262713 |
3 | Advisors | Mr. Vijay Ranaut Mr. Des Raj Chopra | Patta Bir Baghera | 9418625211 9418510537 | 267076 276132 |
4 | President | Mr. B.K. Sharma | Badaran | 9418021715 | 234132 |
5 | Sr. Vice President | Mr. H.S. Rana | Jangal Beri | 9418115059 | 276124 |
6 | Vice Presidents | Mr. B.R. Sharma Mr. J.P. Zear | Bhoranj Galore | 9418005989 9418084782 | 266050 242024 |
7 | General Secretary | Mr. Madan Banyal | Kashmir | 9418177985 | 239024 |
8 | Finance Secretary | Mr. Ashok soni | Matahni | 9418452585 | 202206 |
9 | Press secretaries | Mr. Praveen Dogra Mr. Ajay Puri | Nalti Karot | 9418024873 9418115056 | 247624 271018 |
राज्य कार्यकारिणी
हिमाचल प्रदेश स्कूल प्राचार्य संघ के राज्य अध्यक्ष मुलख राज ने राज्य कार्यकारिणी की घोषणा कर दी है!
राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय सिल्ह ज़िला कांगड़ा के ओ पी वशिष्ठ को वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष, राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय कुल्लू के एन आर भनोली राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय कपाह्ड़ा के राजेश शर्मा राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय धरमशाला महंता के विपन शर्मा राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय कोटी धीमान ज़िला सिरमौर के राजेन्द्र वर्मा को उपाध्यक्ष और राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय सरकाघाट ज़िला मण्डी के सुशील कुमार को संघ का महासचिव बनाया गया है!
राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय सिल्ह ज़िला कांगड़ा के ओ पी वशिष्ठ को वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष, राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय कुल्लू के एन आर भनोली राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय कपाह्ड़ा के राजेश शर्मा राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय धरमशाला महंता के विपन शर्मा राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय कोटी धीमान ज़िला सिरमौर के राजेन्द्र वर्मा को उपाध्यक्ष और राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय सरकाघाट ज़िला मण्डी के सुशील कुमार को संघ का महासचिव बनाया गया है!
कमलजीत सिंह ठाकुर ज़िला अध्यक्ष चुने गये
हिमाचल प्रदेश प्रधानाचार्य एवं शिक्षा अधिकारी संघ ज़िला शिमला की बैठक में कमलजीत सिंह ठाकुर, प्राचार्य, राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठशाला कुमारसैन, शिमला को ज़िला का अध्यक्ष चुना गया!भाग चन्द ठाकुर उपप्रधान, जोगेन्द्र सिंह को महासचिव, वीना शर्मा सह सचिव और कुलदीप लखनपाल को कोषाध्यक्ष नियुक्त किया गया! चुनाव राकेश तपवाल , दिनेश नारंग और नन्द लाल शर्मा की अध्यक्षता में हुए!
ज़िलों के इकाई पदाधिकारियों से आग्रह है की वे कार्यकारिणी की सूचि मेल करें ताकि जिला वार सूचि पूरी की जा सके मेल करे!
मुल्क राज शर्मा बने प्रदेशाध्यक्ष
हिमाचल प्रदेश स्कूल प्रधानाचार्य संघ की कमान जिला कांगड़ा के संसारपुर टैरेस स्कूल के प्राचार्य मुल्क राज शर्मा को सौंपी गई है। हमीरपुर के टाउन हाल में संघ की राज्यस्तरीय बैठक संघ के पूर्व अध्यक्ष पीससी विश्वकर्मा की अध्यक्षता में हुई जिसमें सर्वसम्मति से मुल्कक राज शर्मा को संघ का राज्य अध्यक्ष बनाया गया। नवनियुक्त अध्यक्ष को महासचिव सहित संपूर्ण कार्यकारिणी के चयन का अधिकार दिया गया।
प्रदेश स्तरीय चुनाव के लिए लाहोल स्पीति को छोड़ कर अन्य सभी 11 जिलों से 179 प्राचार्यों ने चुनाव प्रक्रिया में भाग लिया। संघ ने पढ़ाई की गुणवता के लिए प्रदेश सरकार का पूरा सहयोग करने का निर्णय लिया। उन्होने कहा कि स्कूलों के संचालन के दौरान प्राचार्यों को उत्पन समस्याओं को लेकर भी संघ एकजुटता के साथ अपनी समस्याओ को प्रदेश सरकार और विभाग के समक्ष रखेगा। प्राचार्यो से आहवान किया गया है कि वे अपनी समस्याए संध को प्रेषित करें।
इस दौरान हमीरपुर से वी के शर्मा, अजय पुरी, अषोक सोनी, प्रवीण डोगरा, एच एस राणा, हंस राज, तारा चन्द राणा व पूर्ण सिंह, शिमला से कमल जीत ठाकुर, जोगिन्द्र ,कांगड़ा से ओ पी वशिष्ठ, अनिल नाग व विनोद चौधरी ,मण्डी से सुशील कुमार, सीता राम बंसल व कमलेश गुप्ता बिलासपुर से किशोरी लाल, रवि कांत सुरे्श व राजेश वर्मा, सोलन से नरेन्द्र, प्रताप कौशल, चम्बा से बी के चन्द्र, सुधीर सहगल, सिरमौर से राजिन्द्र वर्मा, उना से राजेन्द्र कौशल, एन के बाली और पवन शर्मा मौजूद थें।
प्रदेश स्तरीय चुनाव के लिए लाहोल स्पीति को छोड़ कर अन्य सभी 11 जिलों से 179 प्राचार्यों ने चुनाव प्रक्रिया में भाग लिया। संघ ने पढ़ाई की गुणवता के लिए प्रदेश सरकार का पूरा सहयोग करने का निर्णय लिया। उन्होने कहा कि स्कूलों के संचालन के दौरान प्राचार्यों को उत्पन समस्याओं को लेकर भी संघ एकजुटता के साथ अपनी समस्याओ को प्रदेश सरकार और विभाग के समक्ष रखेगा। प्राचार्यो से आहवान किया गया है कि वे अपनी समस्याए संध को प्रेषित करें।
इस दौरान हमीरपुर से वी के शर्मा, अजय पुरी, अषोक सोनी, प्रवीण डोगरा, एच एस राणा, हंस राज, तारा चन्द राणा व पूर्ण सिंह, शिमला से कमल जीत ठाकुर, जोगिन्द्र ,कांगड़ा से ओ पी वशिष्ठ, अनिल नाग व विनोद चौधरी ,मण्डी से सुशील कुमार, सीता राम बंसल व कमलेश गुप्ता बिलासपुर से किशोरी लाल, रवि कांत सुरे्श व राजेश वर्मा, सोलन से नरेन्द्र, प्रताप कौशल, चम्बा से बी के चन्द्र, सुधीर सहगल, सिरमौर से राजिन्द्र वर्मा, उना से राजेन्द्र कौशल, एन के बाली और पवन शर्मा मौजूद थें।
ज़िला शिमला की बैठक
हिमाचल प्रदेश प्राचार्य एवं शिक्षा अधिकारी संघ की ज़िला शिमला की बैठक 8 मई 2010 को पोर्टमोर स्कूल होगी! बैठक की अध्यक्षता ज़िला अध्यक्ष कमलजीत ठाकुर करेगें! बैठक में 16 मई 2010 को होने वाले राज्य स्तरीय चुनाव के लिये प्रतिनिधियों का चयन किया जायेगा! सभी प्राचार्यों से बैठक मे शामिल होने की अपेक्षा की जाती है!
हिमाचल प्रदेश में स्कूल प्रिंसिपलों को सेवानिवृति के नजदीक पदौन्नत हो कर उपनिदेशक बनने का मोका अब नहीं मिलेगा ! राज्य सरकार ने उपनिदेशक स्कूल केदार की पदौन्नती की प्रक्रिया को संशोधित कर दिया है ! शर्त जोड़ी गई है की यदि किसी प्रिंसिपल का सेवाकाल एक साल से कम है तो उसे उपनिदेशक नहीं लगाया जायेगा ! ऐसी स्तिथि में वरिष्ठता को नज़रंदाज कर उसके जूनियर को यह मोका दिया जायेगा ! तारक दिया गया है की दो चार महीने के लिए पदौन्नत हो रहे उपनिदेशकों के कारन काम प्रभावित हो रहा है ! अब इस पद पर कम से कम एक साल के लिए नियुक्ति होगी ! नयी प्रक्रिया को मंत्रिमंडल ने मंजूरी दे दी है !
No. Fin-(PR)B(7)-1/2009 Dated Shimla-171002, the 26th August, 2009
In exercise of the powers conferred under proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 10 of the Vidhan Sabha (Recruitment and Conditions of Service Rules, 1974, as
amended from time to time), the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to make the following rules, namely:-
from an e-mail
from | Bandita Agnihotri | |||||||
to | ||||||||
subject | Mentor - A Matter of Principal |
Dear Sir / Madam, Greetings from Team Mentor! At the outset I would like to share some information about the Mentor Magazine. MENTOR is India's first print magazine which provides a platform where school principals of India can get together and work as one unified body. Mentor allows the principal to move into a realm that will be more powerful, more productive and significantly impact the teaching and learning process. Mentor will bring about an enhanced sense of a learning community, principal empowerment and expanded leadership roles. In short, Mentor is going to be the platform for School Heads, teachers, parents, the Government and students to come together on a single platform and change the system. Mentor is an agent for change, not just for a few schools but for the educational system overall. Need For MENTOR MENTOR preceded extensive research among school Principals from across the country. The common voice that emerged was the need for a publication that will play a positive role, encourage, share learning and bring a fresh wave in the field of education in our country. MENTOR'S aim is to inform, advise and at times influence the market. Over the last two years, MENTOR has been accepted and appreciated by the education fraternity and has successfully carved a niche for itself. Today MENTOR has emerged as a powerful communication medium, bridging schools and stakeholders across the country. Every month, Principals look forward to valuable information that MENTOR carries which empowers them to handle their school work life. With regard to the same we would like to know if the Himanchal Pradesh School Principals Association is organising a conference or get together for its member principals. We would like to contribute to the conference by providing free magazine copies of the participants. Looking forward to hear from you. Warm Regards, Bandita Agnihotri Asst Manager - Sales & Marketing EduMedia India Pvt. Ltd. #175, 2nd Cross, Lower Palace Orchards, Bangalore- 560 003 Ph: +91 80 2334 2105 |
REPORT -Pay Scale Punjab Govt.
पंजाब सरकार की पे स्केल report देखनें के लिए क्लीक करें

February 2 World Wetland Day - On this day, in 1971, the Ramsar
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance was signed. Wetlands are a
very important part of our biodiversity and it is essential to see that they are well
February 28 National Science Day - It is necessary to highlight the role of
science in the protection of the environment. This day should be taken as a platform
to put forward the message.
March 21 World Forestry Day - Activities such as the planting of trees and
highlighting the urgency to increase the green cover.
March 22 World Water Day - The decision to celebrate this day has been
taken recently as drinking water sources are fast depleting. The world must wake up
to the problem and begin conserving it.
March 23 World Meteorological Day – Everyone has to be reminded that
weather is an integral part of the environment.
April 7 World Health Day – The World Health Organisation (WHO) was
constituted on this day in 1948. In the changing environment around us health is
becoming an important issue.
April 18 World Heritage Day - Environment includes not just the natural
surroundings but also the manmade ones.
April 22 Earth Day - In 1970 a group of people in the United States of America
got together to draw the attention of the world to the problems being caused to the
earth due to modernisation. Since then this day has been celebrated all over the
world as Earth Day.
May 31 Anti Tobacco Day - The world is now aware of the problems faced by
not only the smokers but also the people who inhale the smoke. You can take up an
anti smoking campaign in your family or the neighbourhood.
June 5 World Environment Day - On this day, in 1972, the Stockholm
Conference on Human Environment was held in Sweden. There was a large
gathering from all over the world and people expressed their concerns for the
increasing environmental problems.
July 11 World Population Day- Population has to be given special attention,
as it is an ever-increasing problem especially in India.
September 16 World Ozone Day-The United Nations declared this day as the
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. It is the day the Montreal
Protocol was signed.
September 28 Green Consumer Day-The problems of consumerism and its
impact on the environment is an area of major concern in today’s world. Awareness
building on the importance of recycling-reusing-reducing should be taken up
October 3 World Habitat Day-The earth is the habitat of not only human
beings but also all living creatures. Increasing human activities is threatening the
habitat of other living things.
October 1-7 World Wildlife Week -Celebrate this week by building
awareness on the importance of preservation of our wildlife.
October 4 World Animal Welfare Day-The welfare of animals has to be
looked into and given due importance.
October 13 International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction-Due to a
change in the environment there has been an increase in the number of natural
disasters. Efforts have to be taken to reduce these disasters.
November 14 Children’s Day in India- Children can work together for a
better tomorrow by improving the environment around them.
December 2 Bhopal Tragedy Day- Mark this occasion by taking a pledge to
put in your best efforts to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.
February 2 World Wetland Day - On this day, in 1971, the Ramsar
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance was signed. Wetlands are a
very important part of our biodiversity and it is essential to see that they are well
February 28 National Science Day - It is necessary to highlight the role of
science in the protection of the environment. This day should be taken as a platform
to put forward the message.
March 21 World Forestry Day - Activities such as the planting of trees and
highlighting the urgency to increase the green cover.
March 22 World Water Day - The decision to celebrate this day has been
taken recently as drinking water sources are fast depleting. The world must wake up
to the problem and begin conserving it.
March 23 World Meteorological Day – Everyone has to be reminded that
weather is an integral part of the environment.
April 7 World Health Day – The World Health Organisation (WHO) was
constituted on this day in 1948. In the changing environment around us health is
becoming an important issue.
April 18 World Heritage Day - Environment includes not just the natural
surroundings but also the manmade ones.
April 22 Earth Day - In 1970 a group of people in the United States of America
got together to draw the attention of the world to the problems being caused to the
earth due to modernisation. Since then this day has been celebrated all over the
world as Earth Day.
May 31 Anti Tobacco Day - The world is now aware of the problems faced by
not only the smokers but also the people who inhale the smoke. You can take up an
anti smoking campaign in your family or the neighbourhood.
June 5 World Environment Day - On this day, in 1972, the Stockholm
Conference on Human Environment was held in Sweden. There was a large
gathering from all over the world and people expressed their concerns for the
increasing environmental problems.
July 11 World Population Day- Population has to be given special attention,
as it is an ever-increasing problem especially in India.
September 16 World Ozone Day-The United Nations declared this day as the
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. It is the day the Montreal
Protocol was signed.
September 28 Green Consumer Day-The problems of consumerism and its
impact on the environment is an area of major concern in today’s world. Awareness
building on the importance of recycling-reusing-reducing should be taken up
October 3 World Habitat Day-The earth is the habitat of not only human
beings but also all living creatures. Increasing human activities is threatening the
habitat of other living things.
October 1-7 World Wildlife Week -Celebrate this week by building
awareness on the importance of preservation of our wildlife.
October 4 World Animal Welfare Day-The welfare of animals has to be
looked into and given due importance.
October 13 International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction-Due to a
change in the environment there has been an increase in the number of natural
disasters. Efforts have to be taken to reduce these disasters.
November 14 Children’s Day in India- Children can work together for a
better tomorrow by improving the environment around them.
December 2 Bhopal Tragedy Day- Mark this occasion by taking a pledge to
put in your best efforts to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.
Testing Post